Jessica spends surprise fun day out at Pizza Hut with mahoosive cake and presents from the charity.

by | Oct 1, 2017

Jessica Sherrington was shocked and overwhelmed when mam Susan took her to Middlesbrough not knowing what was waiting for her.The 13yr old who has been going through a difficult time of late was gobsmacked when mum brought her into Pizza Hut in Middlesbrough to find her friends waiting along with charity founder Kevin Hill.The surprise didn’t stop there as out from the kitchen came the most enormous chocolate cake with the message “HAVE A GREAT DAY JESSICA on it.Along with a few more surprise presents from the charity the girls spent the afternoon lapping up the pizza and ice-cream and not forgetting a little nibble of cake.We also would like to thank staff at Pizza Hut for looking after the girls and also the manager for her kind donation of a £30.00 voucher towards the day yet again putting smiles on peoples faces.Hope you enjoyed your day girls xxx FROM ALL THE TEAM AT BRINGING BACK A SMILE.