❤️❤️Today Bringing Back A Smile travelled to Esh Winning in County/Durham to meet up with Helen Roxborough.
Helen introduced me to Helen’s sister’s Children Samantha aged 9yrs and Jayne aged 3yrs. The sadness about this story is the girls lost their mum Alison recently at a very young age of just 29yrs old with Ovarian cancer.
I was very apprehensive about making this trip when asked by the family if we could give the girls a much-deserved surprise not that I didn’t want to go I just felt helpless on what I could do and what would it achieve for the girls but after having a long hard think about this I got in my car with not only 2 surprise bags but 4 I didn’t want to forget Alison young nieces who this has also effected immensely.
When I returned home to a lovely message from Helen saying how much the girls appreciated their surprise, I’m so glad I made this trip it put things into perspective. It may be only a Smile 😃 for a short while but that little bit of support to them girls goes a hell of a long way.
Sorry for the long post it’s something I needed to get off my chest.