Spennymoor Charity & Bringing Back A Smile Make Paula’s wish come true!

by | Aug 17, 2023

Today was a very special day for Paula Conevey from Hunwick in County Durham when she finally after so many years of battling so many illnesses.She is on her way to the seaside with all her family courtesy of Bringing Back a Smile.

Here’s a letter Paula wrote to the charity explaining her life since moving to Hunwick.

Paula coveney – 59 years old
”Born in Kent and moved to the north east in 1989 with my husband to raise our children. We settled in a lovely little village called Hunwick,where we raised 6 children and now have 18 grandchildren. Sadly my husband passed in 2003 but I still reside in Hunwick.

I have suffered with my poor health for many years being on oxygen, having diabetes , spongelosis of the spine and bowel disease just to name a few. I am also In a wheelchair full time so struggle to get out for trips / holidays.

My most recent diagnosis of lung cancer has been difficult to process and makes you reevaluate life and what is actually important. Over winter 22/23 i stuffered multiple re occurring chest infections and the gp sent me for an x ray.This found a suspicious shadow shadow and this was the start of multiple tests and investigations, eventually leading to the diagnosis of lung cancer in june and sadly by this point had already spread to the lymph nodes and with my pre existing medical conditions meant I do not qualify for any treatments.

The idea of leaving my family so soon is difficult to come to terms with. My focus is now to create as many happy memories as I can before I become to unwell to do so. This is where the “bringing back a smile “ charity have kindly stepped in and granted my wish and I cannot thank them enough for arranging a special family day out to the beach . I have not been able to have a family day out at the beach for many many years , it has always been my wish. I never thought it would ever come true . Enjoying an ice cream with my grandchildren playing on the beach , taking photos of a happy time to last a long time after I have gone.

There are no words to express my gratitude to bringing back a smile, a small charity based in the north east who’s funding streams have been severely impacted since covid xx”