Oliver’s Journey: Overcoming Challenges with a Smile – A Heartwarming Surprise from Bringing Back A Smile

by | Mar 15, 2024

Today Bringing Back A Smile called into Tesco Langley Moor to surprise the Wilkinson family from Meadowfield in County Durham. Michelle Hutchinson team leader at the charity gave the surprise to mum and dad of Oliver who’s one special little boy who’s already been through so much in life.The family will be going away to the charities caravan Daisys Den Caravan Rental Primrose Valley the family were put forward by Tesco Charity Champion Sue Anderson here’s what mum Kelly had to say about her brave boy.

At birth we discovered Oliver had Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus. His first surgery being performed on his spine at only 12 hours old, he then had a VP shunt inserted at 10 days old. At 2 weeks old he started with respiratory problems and had a tracheostomy inserted which was successfully removed when he was 2 years old however he still needs a ventilator overnight. Oliver uses a wheelchair and walking frame to get around.
Oliver had a tough start but he loves life and does everything with a smile. Oliver has the best big sister Katie who he loves to play with. Oliver is a wonderful little boy full of determination and we are proud of everything he achieves.

Big Thanks to Jane Andrews for £25 donation to Oliver