Second surprise for Rebecca and Jake with a day out at Kirkley Hall in Northumberland

by | Sep 17, 2017

Yesterday was another surprise day fro Rebbeca Henderson and brother Jake when the visited the zoological gardens at kirkley hall were they enjoyed the day visiting the animals.Mam Tracy said it was a fantastic experience seeing so many different animals and especially when Rebecca was allowed one of the guinea pigs to sit on her lap while she stroked it.Kevin Hill founder of the charity said to see these youngsters getting the opportunity to go out and enjoy themselves is what its all about it gives them that little break and lift they need its about letting the full family have some quality time together away from gruelling treatments.It was all made possible from funds raised at the Yorkshire Charity Darts day run by Daz Layden and without people like this who put their heart and soul into running these events these things would not be possible.